Advocating for an Equitable Education

The Disparities

LEAF recognizes the challenges faced by low-income Latino families, residing in communities with underfunded schools that lack crucial educational resources. This situation perpetuates a cycle of poverty across generations. To address these hurdles, we strongly support ensuring that each student receives an education that empowers them with essential skills, knowledge, and opportunities for a prosperous future.

Our advocacy for fair funding seeks to break down the structures that sustain educational disparities, offering everyone an equal chance to succeed. Collaboratively, we hold the ability to enact meaningful and positive transformations.

Eastside Education Initiative

LEAF co-leads the Eastside Education Initiative in collaboration with partners like the Silicon Valley Education Foundation, the Hispanic Foundation of Silicon Valley, and the Santa Clara County Office of Education.

The Eastside Education Initiative (EEI) aims to (1) advocate for equal funding for East San Jose schools and (2) provide supplemental educational services in order to promote a college and career readiness culture.

Advocacy 101 Cohorts

LEAF organized advocacy sessions to educate and empower families about the inequalities in school funding in San José and our community. This initiative aims to bring tangible equity and opportunities to our schools. LEAF believes that all schools should receive an equitable distribution of funding and opportunities, and through these sessions, we aim to inspire the future leaders of change!

A parent who attended the sessions expressed, "My goal is to support my children so they can complete their education with the help of LEAF."

Town Halls for Funding Equity

LEAF collaborates with the Eastside Education Initiative to organize town halls focused on fair school funding. These events involve students, families, and policymakers, emphasizing the importance of community involvement and working together toward the common goal of providing every student access to a high-quality education.


PUENTE de Leaf is a summer transition initiative designed to aid families with students gearing up for their initial semester in higher education. This program highlights the importance of postsecondary education and prepares families to support and advocate for their students throughout their academic endeavors.