LEAF Scholar Spotlight: Julia Islas-Lozano

Role within LEAF

Julia Islas-Lozano is a dedicated LEAF Scholar who has made remarkable strides in her academic and personal journey. She is currently studying at Santa Clara University (SCU), where her achievements and unique qualities shine brightly.

Achievements and Unique Qualities

Julia's acceptance into SCU as a scholarship recipient is a testament to her hard work and dedication. Reflecting on her journey, she shares, “An achievement I am proud of has been my scholarship acceptance to my university (Santa Clara University). Additionally, this spring quarter I was able to have the incredible opportunity of being a research assistant with Dr. Barbara Burns in the Child Studies Department and Sacred Heart Community Service. This summer I will also have my first hands-on experience as a Teaching Fellow for the Breakthrough of Silicon Valley.”

Hobbies and Interests

Beyond her academic pursuits, Julia is a member of several campus clubs and organizations such as Hermanas Unidas and Sigma Omega Nu. She says, “Some of my hobbies and interests include participating in on-campus student-led clubs and organizations that have allowed me to feel that sense of belonging such as Hermanas Unidas, and Sigma Omega Nu. Outside of school, I enjoy spending time with family and friends, going on fun trips to the beach, and watching a movie. These are some of my favorite activities and ways that also help me cope with stress.”


Challenges and Aspirations

Julia's journey through higher education has not been without challenges. The transition into college was difficult, but with the support of her university's resources, like the LEAD Scholars Program at SCU, she has found a community of first-generation college students who share similar experiences. She reflects, “I feel that being a part of this program has been truly helpful as well as being a LEAF Scholar and Peninsula College Fund Scholar, I have been able to use my different networks to create a village of supporters. I would be completely lost in navigating this challenging yet fulfilling experience without these programs.”

Inspirations and Goals

Looking ahead, Julia draws inspiration from her mother and countless migrant women who have faced similar obstacles. Her experience working alongside her mother in the housekeeping department the summer before her senior year was particularly impactful. She shares, “As I look toward my college journey, I see not only my mother but countless migrant women beside us. I had the opportunity to work alongside some of these women the summer before my senior year when I joined my mother in the housekeeping department. It was very impactful as I was able to learn about the obstacles they faced as immigrants, many similar to those of my mother. Through their stories, I saw their resilience and perseverance which has encouraged me even further to pursue higher education. With those values, along with my mother's values of determination, faith, and constant motivation, I have decided to continue working hard and pursue a career in the education field as a double major in psychology and child studies. As a first-generation student, I would be able to understand the challenges they and their families have faced and work together by guiding them on their journeys.”

Milestones and Key Experiences

Julia's professional journey includes internships at various organizations within the nonprofit, medical, and technology cybersecurity fields, such as Recovery Café San José, Santa Clara Valley Medical Center, and Palo Alto Networks. These experiences have allowed her to develop essential professional skills like communication, problem-solving, networking, and creativity. She notes, “These experiences include Recovery Café San José, Santa Clara Valley Medical Center, and Palo Alto Networks. These experiences have all been unique and have allowed me to grow my professional skills such as communication skills, problem-solving, professional networking, and creativity and innovation. These professional development skills are essential within the career path I would like to pursue as a future educator. I aspire to use my story and background to create a supportive and safe environment for my future students and families.”

Acknowledgments and Future Aspirations

One of Julia's most significant milestones is her acceptance into Santa Clara University as a Juan Diego Scholar. She expresses deep gratitude for this opportunity: “My biggest milestone has been my acceptance into a prestigious university like Santa Clara as a Juan Diego Scholar. I am truly grateful for the opportunity to further my education and pursue my dreams of becoming a future teacher. I would like to thank my parents for their endless support and encouragement.”

Julia Islas-Lozano's story is a powerful reminder of the impact of perseverance, support networks, and the drive to give back to the community. As she continues her journey, she aims to create a supportive and safe environment for her future students, drawing on her experiences and values to inspire and guide them.


Spring Career Development Series


Celebrating the Impact of Our Students and Families