LEAF Scholar Spotlight: Angel Beteran


Meet Angel Beteran, a dedicated LEAF Scholar actively engaged in the Career Exploration and Discovery (CED) program. As an engineering student at De Anza College, Angel has achieved remarkable success, maintaining a 3.4 GPA while completing his major transfer requirements and general education courses in just two years. His academic achievements are a testament to his hard work and determination. Angel's proudest accomplishment is gaining admission to his dream school, UC Davis—not once, but twice. After initially being accepted in high school, Angel chose to attend De Anza College to save money and spend more time with family and friends.

Outside of academics, Angel is an active individual who enjoys hiking, running, and training for a half-marathon. His creative side shines through his love for painting nails with unique designs, an activity he sees as a potential side job in the future. For Angel, this creative outlet is a subtle yet powerful way to express his identity.


Angel's academic journey began with excitement as he embarked on a new chapter at De Anza College. However, adjusting to the quarter system presented its challenges. Angel quickly learned that organization was key to his success. “Engineering is not easy at all; I struggled a lot. Staying persistent and productive got me through the most difficult classes. I was in the process of applying to universities, participating in a NASA program, working at my job, and taking two other STEM classes. I learned how to manage my time and what to prioritize, all while making sure I gave myself mental breaks.”

Angel's journey is not just about academic achievements—it's also about self-discovery and acceptance. Growing up, Angel struggled with hiding his identity in an attempt to fit in. Today, as a first-generation, Mexican-American, gay student, he takes pride in expressing himself and embracing his background. In his STEM classes, Angel once felt isolated, but he learned to take ownership of his feelings and not to compare himself to others. “From feeling like ‘I could never be as smart as them’ to ‘I’m doing the best I can, and that’s all that matters,’ I’ve learned that people in my classes had different resources and support growing up that I didn’t. It’s not a disadvantage but a motivation to pave the way for individuals like me.”


Angel's journey is marked by significant milestones and experiences. He obtained his Associate Degree in Science for Transfer in Mathematics at De Anza College and is set to transfer to UC Davis this fall to major in Environmental Engineering. One of his proudest achievements is participating in the NASA Community College Aerospace Scholars (NCAS) program, where he collaborated with a group of students on a lunar exploration simulation project. As a mission schedule analyst, Angel played a key role in managing the mission schedule and ensuring mission safety. He also created an infographic highlighting NASA's contributions to improving life on Earth and plant science research in space.

Looking ahead, Angel is excited to gain hands-on experience in environmental engineering at UC Davis. His passion lies in water infrastructure, including flood protection, water conservation, and treatment plants. “Ultimately, I want to make a huge impact on combating climate change through my work in environmental engineering.”


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